Say hello to SO/ dining electrifying experiences. Savour BlackBookAsia Magazine was there where it all started when version 1.0 was launched to much applause. Now, lets fast forward to 2022 and unveil the all new MOTHER OF ALL BRUNCHES 3.0 back bigger, bolder and better then ever before. Before we dive into the main attraction, the team at Savour BlackBookAsia Magazine highly recommend the top up of two platters – 1 Dozen Pacific Oysters (rich in flavour with high protein, […]
BlackBookAsia Meets Calvin Lo – The Billionaire Insurance Mogul
With many similarities between Gabriel Tan, Founder of BlackBookAsia Group and Calvin Lo, CEO of R.E Lee International and the most under-the-radar Billionaire Philanthropist. Savour BlackBookAsia Magazine presents an exclusive interview with this billionaire insurance mogul. He recently announced the launch of this Think Tank – THE 195 Project which is conceptualized with the pure intention to work towards better philanthropy in a post-Covid-19 world and to unite global business leaders across 195 official countries to formulate an effective economic response to the outcomes of Covid-19. Calvin is not only one of the most successful and reputable insurance mogul and […]