Yasminne Cheng started out in 1998 at Passion 99.5FM, before moving to 987FM and Class 95FM. She currently hosts the number one English lunchtime show “Lunchbreak” (weekdays 10am to 2pm) on Class 95FM, Singapore’s number one English radio station, and is the resident foodie on the station, helming Class 95’s “Gastro Guide”.

Mediacorp CLASS 95 DJ, Yasminne Cheng
Prior to that, she was the anchor for the popular night show, Love Songs, (weeknights from 9pm – 1am) on Class 95FM for 7 years where the show saw its highest ratings by AC Nielson.
From 2006 to 2007, Yasminne straddled two radio stations by also anchoring the arts belt on Lush 99.5FM. She also doubled up as Assistant Music Director for Class 95FM for several years.
Classy and charismatic, Yasminne is a versatile host and has been engaged for many roadshows, product launches and workshops, press conferences, award ceremonies, corporate events, bridal shows and private weddings. Prior to joining Mediacorp, she was also the host for numerous Disney roadshows.
Yasminne’s voice is unmistakable and instantly recognisable. As one of the top female voice-talents in Singapore, she has voiced just about everything from TV and radio commercials, corporate videos, animations, TV shows, video games, GPS systems to telephone voice prompts.
In 2015, she was the host for Channel 5’s first daily talkshow, The 5 Show, for 187 episodes. In 2016, Yasminne hosted a TV renovation program, The Designer In The House, which gave an insider look at the ins and outs of renovation projects from start to finish.
Yasminne holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and English Literature from NUS, and a Master of Arts degree in Transnational Communications and the Global Media from Goldsmiths College, University of London.
1. What is your dream destination and why?
I would really like to go to the Caribbean!! I’m a beach bunny…something about the ocean that calms and relaxes me and there’s an island in the Bahamas that has many many many pigs that roam freely and they swim up to your boat for food. The piglets are super cute!!
2. Three things that you could never travel without?
Passport?? That would be quite the nightmare eh? Kekekekke My goodness, so many things!! Okay, I would have to say my phone with internet connection (the idea of the possibility that I’m stranded or lost and have no way to reach someone or check google maps scares me), lip balm (dry lips are a pain) and comfortable shoes (limping around due to blisters isn’t a good look ;p)
3. Which destination surpassed your expectations and surprised you the most?
South of France. It was just so so beautiful. The rows rows of lavender fields, the old castles and towns and the people! My experience with the French prior was only in Paris and they can come off as rather, well….snobbish and rude but the folks in the South of France (provence) are totally different, it’s like a different country from Paris! Even driving was a joy, people waving to you and giving you way even if you had to cut into the lane last minute! Amazing!!
4.Where and what was your most memorable meal you have ever had while travelling?
I’ve had so many amazing meals. There was one in San Gimignano in Tuscany Italy where I ordered an egg with truffles. Here in Singapore you can actually hear them counting in their head how many slices to shave onto your plate but not at this restaurant (can’t rmb the name of it)…they just kept on shaving and shaving and shaving till I couldn’t SEE my egg.
5. Where are you looking to travel to next?
At some point, I would really want to do Machu Picchu! But as of now, only my yearly sojourn to Hong Kong is in the plans.
6. What projects are you currently working on?
I just finished the renovation series “Designer In The House” on Channel 5, so just taking a break and concentrating on my radio show, Lunchbreak on Class95 (weekdays 10am-2pm).
7. Do you have any tips or advice for budding models/actors/tv personalities?
It often is a long and possibly difficult journey to succeed in Singapore entertainment industry, a lot of it is timing and luck with possibly low “payouts” (we’re not Hollywood lah). Do this because it’s what you’re passionate about and not because you want to be “famous” because that will be what keeps you going in the long run. J Persevere, believe in yourself, keep honing your craft, be real.