Savour BlackBookAsia, A revolutionary guide into the world of Dining, Travel and Lifestyle. Including a peak into exclusive and most highly sought-after lifestyle milestones and events around the world.
Savour BlackBookAsiaは食事や旅行、ライフスタイルの世界を新たな視点から紹介。アジアで最も話題で耳よりなイベント情報や、理想的なライフスタイル情報も発信していきます。
Founder : Gabriel Tan
After spending more than a decade in banking, Gabriel has semi-retired from the private banking world to pursue his passion in private equity, brokerage, lifestyle and philanthropy industries. With a focus on church work, caring of the needy and elderly.
He is the founder and chief executive officer of BlackBookAsia group and former brand ambassador for Wine & Dine Magazine.
The globe trotter has access to some of the most exclusive “by invite only” events on this planet. He enjoys reviewing all kinds of eateries, from hole-in-the-wall joints to Michelin-starred restaurants as well as the most luxurious hotels, resorts, ryokans, lodges and private islands.
同グループを率いる傍らシンガポールの高級グルメ誌、『Wine & Dine』のブランド大使を歴任。隠れ家的な店からミシュラン店までシンガポール中のレストランを知り尽くしている。
BlackBookAsia Group
Co-Founder : Ryusuke Akae
Influenced in his early years by his mother who ran a restaurant business in San Francisco, Ryusuke’s passion for writing revolves around the food and beverage industry.
He has visited Singapore numerous times and is in love with the melting pot of food cultures in Singapore. From local fare like chicken rice to award winning celebrity restaurants from around the globe, he is excited to guide readers to the best of what Singapore has to offer.
共同創業者 : 赤江 龍介

A veteran in the media industry with a decorated past travelling the globe in one of the world’s most celebrated airline, Singapore Airlines, as well as a stellar 17 years with Wine&Dine publishing group, most recently as the former President and Publisher of Singapore’s longest running gourmet magazine. With a wealth of experience around Asia in the fine dining and luxury lifestyle segments, Lynnette leads the team at Savour BlackBookAsia.
上級副社長: Lynnette Lim
メディア業界のベテランで、世界で最も有名な航空会社の一つであるシンガポール航空、そしてWine&Dineグループとの17年間の恒例の旅行で、シンガポールで最長のランニングマガジン。高級ダイニングやラグジュアリーライフスタイルの分野でアジアを中心に豊富な経験を積んだライネットは、Savour BlackBookAsiaでチームをリードしています。

With more than 20 years of marketing and communications experience within the travel, hospitality and lifestyle sectors, Kum Hoong began his career with the Singapore Tourism Board followed by SIA group, SilkAir and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore. Soon after at Sino Group, he joined the management team as Director of Events and Marketing to pre-open the Fullerton Hotel, One Fullerton and the Fullerton Boathouse before moving on to Southeast Asia’s premier contemporary art fair – Art Stage Singapore.
副社長:Kong Kum-Hoong
Kum Hoongは、旅行、ホスピタリティ、ライフスタイルの分野で20年以上のマーケティングとコミュニケーション経験を持つシンガポール観光局で、SIAグループ、SilkAir、インターナショナルエンタープライズ(IE)シンガポールでキャリアを開始しました。 Sino Groupの直後、イベントとマーケティングのディレクターとして経営チームに参加し、フラートン・ホテル、ワン・フラートン、フラートン・ボートハウスを開設し、東南アジアの現代アート・フェア – アート・ステージ・シンガポールに移りました。

Sheila is a Food Science graduate from the University of Melbourne. She started her career in consumer food product for Coca-Cola, followed by Unilever and most recently in L’Oreal as brand manager. She has always had a strong passion for food, loves traveling, having new experiences and indulging herself with good food and beverages.
作家:Sheila Semira

A true blue Peranakan with a deep seeded love for delicious eats, travel and entrepreneurship. She uses food as a medium to link up with restaurants to fight food wastage. She is excited to guide readers from all walks of life to the best of what Asia has to offer.
作家:Dionna Chia