Soneva Fushi, Maldives

Boasting iconic themes and sustainable architecture, is Soneva Fushi, the very first Soneva in the world. This is where heritage comes to the forefront, not just in the pristine design but the world-class service and luxurious facilities. Relax in the serene ambience of your abode, enjoy peace and sunshine at many parts of the island or embark on a revitalizing wellness journey at Soneva Soul before taking a dip in the calming waters of your private pool. This property is […]

Soneva Jani, Maldives

Maldives is widely known as one of the few remaining places on planet earth where you can still experience the natural world at its untouched best. Soneva Jani’s sought-after exclusivity is enhanced by the marine protected area it sits within, and its marine life and supporting ecosystem is thriving as a result. The Soneva Foundation grow up to 150,000 corals fragments every year doing it’s part in marine conservation. This is just one of the many sustainability initiatives launched by […]