Richard Koh Fine Art
Taipei Dangdai is a new international art fair that will open in Taipei, Taiwan on 18–20 January 2019. Overseen by Magnus Renfrew as the fair director, Taipei Dangdai features 90 galleries and places a strong emphasis on galleries from Asia with a globally recognized selection committee and the support of an advisory committee of leading regional collectors.

Edouard Malingue Gallery
“Drawing on Taipei’s long – established art scene, this exciting new art fair aims to introduce galleries to the strong collector base within Taiwan but also to showcase the cultural production of Taiwan and of Asia to a much broader audience. Our aspiration is to bring new collectors into the market with our unique structure of sectors, offering quality at every price point. Art is about ideas which are common to all of us and Taipei Dangdai aspires to be a meeting place for the exchange of these ideas, providing a context which unpackages art for the wider audience and reduces the intimidation factor,” said Magnus Renfrew, Fair Director, Taipei Dangdai.

Ota Fine Arts
Dennis Chen, Country Head and Head of Wealth Management, UBS Taiwan, said “Taiwan’s status as a cultural destination has consolidated over recent years. UBS’s support of Taipei Dangdai aims to continue the momentum by providing our clients, employees and the general public with access to a comprehensive program of art – related events. We look forward to contributing to the success of the inaugural Taipei Dangdai fair in January.”

Galerie du Monde
With 90 participants from across the globe, the first edition of the fair attracts a strong participation of leading galleries from Europe and America who will exhibit in Taipei for the first time, whilst presenting the very best galleries from around Asia. Presented by UBS, Taipei Dangdai will bring together a program of galleries and thought leaders from a wide range of disciplines, who will participate across the fair’s four sectors and the Ideas platform of talks that will span the fair’s duration.

Pace Gallery
For more information: www.taipeidangdai.com